YPHA’s festive fundraiser: Sowing Stories

The Young People in Horticulture Association have launched a festive ‘Sowing Stories’ fundraiser, to connect horticulturists of all ages through the gift of gardening books.

Books on a shelf photographed from below

According to the Young People in Horticulture Association (YPHA), the Sowing Stories will raise funds for educational programmes, events, facilitation funds and outreach efforts, helping to create a more accessible, inclusive and connected horticultural community for the future.

In addition, the YPHA is looking to establish book-swap opportunities at industry events, creating meaningful exchanges of knowledge and passion across age groups. By bringing gardening books into the hands of young people, we’re planting the seeds for a vibrant future in horticulture, while also preserving the wisdom of those who forged the paths before us.

“We believe in fostering a deeper connection between seasoned industry professionals and the next generation of talent,” explains the YPHA.

The YPHA are appealing to individuals, businesses, and publishers to contribute to swing Stories by donating vintage gardening books or offering overstock at discounted prices. People are to look out for ‘Book Amnesty’ boxes that will be appearing at events, or alternatively are to contact the YPHA (admin@ypha.org.uk) to discuss the delivery of their donations.

Sowing Stories also marks the launch of the YPHA new crowdfunder platform, designed to make supporting the YPHA easier and more flexible for everyone in the horticulture community. They hope to encourage donations of all sizes – either as a one-off contribution or as an ongoing basis. “Every donation, of any scale, helps us to better facilitate opportunities for our members; particularly by supporting travel bursaries to make our events more accessible to young horticulturists”, highlights the YPHA.

To celebrate the launch of their new Crowdfunder, anyone who pledges £10 or more through the platform before the 10th of December will be able to claim a mystery horticultural book (vintage, new and/or author-signed) delivered wrapped and ready in time for Christmas.