Why do people install artificial lawns?

New survey funded by Northumbria University, in collaboration with Newcastle University and the RHS aims to find the reasons behind choosing an artificial lawn and if expectations are met.

Artificial Grass Lawn

Despite their popularity, there is little information about why people are choosing to install artificial lawns, how they are being used and maintained, and whether artificial lawns are meeting people’s expectations.

Part of a PhD project by Caitlin Cook which aims to assess the environmental impacts and extent of artificial lawns, using a mix of social science, remote sensing and experimental plot work, a new research project aims to address these knowledge gap. The projects is funded by Northumbria University, in collaboration with Newcastle University and the RHS.

By means of a questionnaire, the research is seeking to find answers to: (1) Motivations for installation, (2) Maintenance, (3) usage and (4) User demographics.

To assist the research, Cook asks for the (5-10 minute) questionnaire to be shared with those who have an artificial lawn.