April Fools’ Day provides a rare chance for businesses to showcase their sense of fun, creativity and connect with their audience in a lighthearted and comical way. Done well, it can provide an opportunity to stand out from the crowd and bring a smile to people’s faces. In the sphere of horticulture, these are a few of our favourites.
The HenchPaws Harness to give your dog the flying experience of a lifetime.
Heligan Gardens
The eco-friendly solution: Shawnmowers, with trial period exclusively for Local Pass holders only.
Flymo Lawnmowers
The Flymo LaziMow Clipper Slippers to sort out those missed spots on the lawn. Super comfy and safe to use thanks to a thick protective sole….
Carole Bamford
A morning sighting of the Daylesford herd of Gloucestershire elephants on the move. A truly rare breed.
Ferndale Garden Centre
Restocked their annual supply of Tomato ‘Cubic’, grown especially for sandwiches….
Arlington Bluebell Walk
Sighting of a rare species of bluebell blooming early in the wood today. The yellow bell, Hyacinthoids florospila, a hybrid of the common bluebell and the wild daffodil.
British Trust for Ornithology
The new bird droppings identification app, named by BTO scientists as ‘The Poopline’ to allow the user to confidently identify the species bird droppings are from. Just take a picture, scan and the species responsible for the deposit will be revealed…
Gardeners’ World Magazine
Introducing the evergreen, Buiscuita edulis perfect when in need of a sweet treat….
Nifty Lift Worldwide
Introducing the Micro Nifty, the aerial work platform inspired by the superhero world of Ant-Man and powered by Pym particles to effortlessly navigate through the tightest spaces, ready at the press of a button…
Squires Garden Centre
Limited edition, glow-in-the-dark carrots to help you see in the dark, ward off pests and great alternative to a candle…..