Pots are everywhere in Sarah Raven’s garden at Perch Hill. Every corner comes to life with their colour and vibrancy. And with pots, there is one iron rule: more is more.
Accessible and rewarding, growing flowers in pots is a simple and enjoyable way to enhance any space, from small city plots to huge gardens. Get the pots right and your garden will take on a cheerful energy of its own. They are the bubbles in the champagne, the cherries on the cake; the final flourish in making a garden beautiful.
Discover practical design tips that will really enhance your containers. Use ingenious tricks when combining flower colours to bring pots to life. Learn all about the types of forms and plant structures and how to put them to best use. And take on the simplest of ideas, such as raising flower pots on to a wall or table so you see more of them, for instant impact.
Following the seasons, A Year Full of Pots shows you how to make your own evolving tapestry of colour through long-lasting container combinations. All the flowers and planting schemes Raven has tried and tested over the decades are in here, plus the design principles that will work for you at any scale, whether you have one pot or a garden full of them.
A Year Full of Pots: Container Flowers for All Seasons, (Bloomsbury Publishing) will be released on the 14th of March 2024