Chelsea Flower Show garden finds new home at Eden

The Silver medal Fauna & Flora Garden has a new home in the Eden Project’s Rainforest Biome.

The Fauna and Flora Garden at RHS Chelsea Designed by Jilayne Rickards. and Project Giving Back. Show Garden. RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2023. Stand no 339.
The Fauna & Flora Garden. Designed by Jilayne Rickards. Sponsored by Fauna & Flora and Project Giving Back. Show Garden. RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2023. Stand no 339.

Designed by Jilayne Rickards, the garden focuses on the Afromontane landscape of Central Africa and highlighted the need for responsible tourism to help protect endangered mountain gorillas. Featuring a waterfall within the design, the garden’s return to Eden sees a second waterfall added to the Rainforest Biome. The show garden was sponsored by Fauna & Flora, the international nature conservation charity and Project Giving Back.

Many of the plants that feature in the garden were obtained by the Eden team from the iconic Rainforest Biome and were grown in Eden’s new state-of-the-art plant nursery, Growing Point, before making their way to the prestigious show.