The Register of Reviewers will provide independent ‘peer reviews’, for better research and according to Defra, better policy. Peer review will be used to assess and assure the quality and reliability of research. “This process holds researchers accountable for producing credible work and promotes research integrity. It ensures that research uses appropriate methodology, and that high-quality research is published”, writes Alex Ridley, Scientist Plant Health Evidence and Analysis team.
Defra Plant Health has a publicly funded research and evidence programme and is a part of the UK Plant Health Service (PHS). The Plant Health Evidence and Analysis team in Defra co-ordinates Plant Health R&D activities with other evidence teams and with oversight from the Defra Central Science team. Some of Defra’s Plant Health R&D needs are met by scientists and analysts in the Department. However, the majority of needs are met by a collaborative approach, working with the national and international research community, users, stakeholders and other funders, to identify, support and deliver priority needs.
Defra Plant Health R&D activities cover a broad remit which outlines 6 key research themes:
- Risk assessment and horizon scanning, to help better prepare for the potential arrival of pests and diseases, and to inform our preventative regulation
- Inspections, diagnostics, and surveillance to help identify and prevent pests
- Pest and disease management to remove or reduce risk, and allow plants to recover
- Resilience and adaptation, which are key to the long-term health and sustainability of our ecosystems
- Plant health behaviours, to understand human behaviour around plant health and biosecurity, and to improve our knowledge of the economic, environmental, and cultural values of healthy plants
- Developing evaluation frameworks and metrics to help us measure the effects of our plant health policies and work
By participating as a Peer Reviewer for Defra, reviewers can stay up to date with current research, support impactful research, establish presence and demonstrate your credibility in the field, improve skills by critically evaluating reports, proposals and the application of best- practice techniques to your own work.
Applicants must have a high level of relevant experience and expertise, evidenced by qualifications to postgraduate degree level or equivalent experience; a strong record of achievement at a national or international level, a good publication record and/or strong networks in the field. Ability to work and write effectively in English within the areas and roles you have identified.
Defra will be able to offer a discretionary fee for work carried out by UK-based non civil servants, for which the default rate will be, in line with other Government departments, in the region of: £200 per project proposal review (expected time commitment ½ day) and £400 per report (expected time commitment: 1 day)
Full details about joining the Register of Reviewers can be found here.