Endellion Lycett Green exhibition

New solo exhibition by botanical artist, Endellion Lycett Green run in partnership with Thyme and the Laura Lopes Gallery

Endellion Lycett Green - Water Meadow Orchid painting 2023
credit: Endellion Lycett Green (Water Meadow Orchid, 2023)

The exhibition will include a series of large-scale oil paintings, inspired by the ethereal beauty of the water meadows at Thyme which make up a third of the estate. Endellion Lycett Green spent time painting in these meadows during the Summer of 2023.

In her work, she captures the living tapestry of this special space, which has been a conservation project run by Caryn Hibbert, Founder and Creative Director of Thyme, for the past 20 years. With a focus on rejuvenating the indigenous flora and fauna, this has become an important bio diverse habitat. Works painted at Thyme will draw on an ecological perspective, as Lycett Green celebrates the renaissance of previously endangered species, such as the wild orchid, which is now prolific in the meadows on the estate.

Throughout her prolific 23 year career, Lycett Green has found nature to be a constant source of inspiration and is well known for her bold, sensuous paintings focused on plant life, ’my work is a life long homage to plants’. This new body of work will be her first solo show in 10 years, and will celebrate the breadth of her botanical art. Her characteristic large scale paintings, which lean towards subtle abstraction in their celebration of form and colour, will sit alongside a series of intricate botanical studies painted in homage to the nineteenth century celebrated artist Pierre-Joseph Redoute ‘the Raphael of flowers’.

Lycett Green’s career in painting and drawing spans over 25 years. She has shown at P Lefevre Fine Art, Hazlitt Holland-Hibbert, Browse & Darby London and is represented by Laura Lopes Gallery. Her work hangs at Chatsworth House, NatWest Art Collection, St Thomas’s Hospital, Arcadia Group and is in numerous significant private collections at home and abroad.

The exhibition will be held from the 5th June – 6th September, 2024 and takes place in Thyme’s 17th century Tithe Barn, restored by Thyme’s Founder and Creative Director, Caryn Hibbert and her father, Michael Bertioli.