

RSPB suspends sale of flat bird feeders

The RSPB has withdrawn flat bird feeders due to the concerns they may facilitate the transmission of illnesses such as trichomonosis, which has significantly impacted the greenfinch population.

Work by Raymond Zhang entitled Walking on the palette for Earth Photo


Earth Photo comes to Hever Castle

The international photography exhibition, Earth Photo will be showcased in the grounds of Hever Castle & Gardens this February.

Coton Orchard


Saving Coton Orchard

Home to 100-year old specimens, the 60 acre Coton Orchard, the largest traditional orchard in Cambridgeshire and 8th largest in the country is at risk of becoming a new bus lane.

New build housing


National Planning Policy Framework to boost building

The government has released the final version of the National Planning Policy Framework, confirming the re-introduction of mandatory housing targets and new ‘golden rules’ for building on the Green Belt.

Experimental fungi translocation aims to restore nature beneath the soil in Yorkshire woodland


Fungi translocation to restore woodlands

A nature restoration experiment, Forestry England is moving soil rich in vital fungi from an ancient woodland to a newly planted site in North Yorkshire.

Ivor, the dog sniffing for plant disease


Phytophthora ramorum sniffer dogs

Innovative project by Forest Research, successfully trains detection dogs to specifically identify the tree pathogen, Phytophthora ramorum

View towards North Aston in Oxfordshire

Natural Capital

BNGx launches digital BNG marketplace

Green tech start-up, BNGx has unveiled its digital marketplace for Biodiversity Net Gain units, registered with Natural England

trees in a forest glistening with sun rays


Biodiversity eDNA study across forests in the UK

A comprehensive biodiversity study is being conducted by means of innovative eDNA Technology across 250,000 hectares of the UK’s forests to ascertain the condition of nature and the variety of wildlife in our forests.

Hans de Riesstraat in Alkmaar


Green Cities Europe Award 2024

Ten countries are up the Green Cities Europe Award, in recognition of outstanding sustainable, urban green space initiatives across the Continent.