Pioneering hedgehog monitoring programme
National Hedgehog Monitoring Programme is trialling a world-first combination of trail cameras and artificial intelligence (AI) to gauge robust hedgehog population estimates.
National Hedgehog Monitoring Programme is trialling a world-first combination of trail cameras and artificial intelligence (AI) to gauge robust hedgehog population estimates.
Despite the UK’s 20 million lawns, they are sidelined at garden shows and retail events on account of the lack of support for sustainable lawn care, says Lawn Association Chairman, David Hedges-Gower.
Running from June until October, a Dutch campaign was launched to encourage residents with gardens dominated by paving to switch to greener, more permeable gardens.
In collaboration with Delft University of Technology, Wageningen University and Kubota, Odd.Bot launched the Maverick, a pioneering and sustainable form of autonomous weed recovery.
At a tour of McClaren’s Nurseries in Scotland, Agriculture Minister, Jim Fairlie MSP was updated on the complexities and consequences of the use of peat in horticulture for the industry’s present and future outlook.
The Railway Land Wildlife Trust in Lewes has launched an intriguing rewilding project where local dogs spread wildflower seed by means of special seed-filled backpacks.
To reduce the city’s significant urban heat island effect and improve urban biodiversity, Medellín in Columbia created thirty interconnected green corridors which run throughout the city.
New national survey shows that the vast majority of UK adults (88%) underestimate or do not know the maximum cooling effect of urban trees.
The nature restoration service provider, Restore is looking to recruit a Commercial and Natural Capital Director to help the company grow and scale over the next 10+ years.
Oxford University Physics Department scientists develop revolutionary approach to generate increasing amounts of solar electricity without the need for silicon-based solar panels.
In aid of capturing, storing, recycling more water, protecting the environment and reducing flooding around its Hereford site, Wyevale Nursery is midst the construction of a water reservoir at the production site.
Starting in 2026, all non-black, recyclable PET or PP plastic plant pots will be accepted in household kerbside recycling in England.
New US based research suggests that the trees people are planting in their gardens may not be sustainable in a hotter, drier world.
In her capacity as the Vice President of the RHS, Jekka McVicar appealed to gardeners across the country to participate in the research project to ascertain how climate change is affecting plants in gardens.
The Tree Council grant seeking to establish trees, hedgerows, and orchards is open for applications.
The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), University of Sheffield and University of Reading want to hear how climate change is affecting plants in gardens, as they combine forces to help future proof them.
Natural Capital
Nattergal has purchased Harold’s Park Wildland in Essex for rewilding, offering potential for community and corporate engagement.
A new national campaign calling for the UK government to ban the use of pesticides in urban areas was launched by the Pesticide Collaboration.
New research study shows how effective citizen scientists are in accurately identifying species and gathering reliable ecological data.
The Flow Country has become a UNESCO World Heritage Site, joining a very exclusive list of natural wonders, including the Grand Canyon and the Great Barrier Reef.