Ancient woodland


Uplift Woodland Creation Offer payments

Defra and the Forestry Commission announce significant uplift in England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) payments to increase tree planting across the country.

Slug crawling on the ground

Worth a read

The slug retrospective

Intriguing article by RHS entomologist Dr Hayley Jones, shedding light on the little-known benefits slugs to (garden) ecosystems.



In aid of the humble mollusc

The Wildlife Trusts and RHS have joined forces to encourage people to use their gardens to take action to help support nature.

Drone enabled by AI to detect botrytis


AI drones able to identify botrytis

Researchers from Unmanned Valley, Greenport DB, and NL Space Campus have successfully developed an AI model that enables drones to identify botrytis.

Cuckoo in flight


The importance of cuckoo tracking

Satellite tagged cuckoos sheds light on their migration routes and overwintering in aid of conservation strategies and halting their decline.

Apple Orchard


Recovery of lost apple varieties

In association with Sanfords Orchards, the University of Bristol apple genotyping research project will be sampling heritage varieties from RHS Rosemoor to help recover lost West Country apples.

Plastic waste


UN warns of 56% rise in waste volumes by 2050

A report from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) warns municipal waste is estimated to grow by 56% to 3.8 billion tonnes by 2050 if urgent action is not taken.