Bumblebee flying to different flowers


2024: The worst year for bumblebees recorded

The 2025 BeeWalk Annual Report revealed that 2024 was the worst year for bumblebees since records began, with numbers declining by 22.5% compared to the 2010-2023 average.

Blue tits


Pet treatment chemicals cause rise in bird mortality

New research by the University of Sussex has found high levels of harmful chemicals from pet flea treatment in bird’s nests, which is leading to an increased mortality rate of chicks.



RSPB suspends sale of flat bird feeders

The RSPB has withdrawn flat bird feeders due to the concerns they may facilitate the transmission of illnesses such as trichomonosis, which has significantly impacted the greenfinch population.

trees in a forest glistening with sun rays


Biodiversity eDNA study across forests in the UK

A comprehensive biodiversity study is being conducted by means of innovative eDNA Technology across 250,000 hectares of the UK’s forests to ascertain the condition of nature and the variety of wildlife in our forests.

East Lyn River


March for Clean Water

Taking place in central London, the March for Clean Water aims to highlight the state of water and demand urgent government action to address the UK’s water pollution crisis.

Hedgehog on grass


Pioneering hedgehog monitoring programme

National Hedgehog Monitoring Programme is trialling a world-first combination of trail cameras and artificial intelligence (AI) to gauge robust hedgehog population estimates.