Amateur Pomologist, Darren Turpin has meticulously researched various aspects of historical orchard literature and has thereby become well acquainted with various online archives and the digitised treasures within.
“There are some absolute gems to be found, if you know where to look. Many date to the golden age of pomology in the nineteenth century. All of them reveal the immense talent and skill of the artists – often women and usually uncredited – whose incredible work brings their subjects to life”, writes Turpin
In his charming blog post for the Orchard Project entitled ‘How Pomology became an art form‘, Turpin reveals five of his favourite research finds, listed below. The illustrations are truly wonderful and we therefore highly recommend a browse…
- Catalogue by Robert Furber: Twelve Months of Fruits (1732). Furber was an English nurseryman with a nursery business in Kensington. According to Trupin created glorious catalogues and coloured series of prints. No digitised copies of the catalogue are available to view but Turpin recommends an image search, especially the high-res images hosted on themorgan.org.
- Pomona Herefordiensis (1811) – Thomas Andrew Knight. Detailed catalogue ‘Pomona Herefordiensis’ encouraging the growing of heritage varieties of cider apple and perry pears in 1811. Inlcludes beautiful colour illustrations aby Elizabeth Matthews and the author’s daughter, Frances. View online or download via Archive.org
- Pomona Britannica (1804-1812) by George Brookshaw. According to Turpin, an extremely rare and highly valuable collection of prints created by cabinet-maker-turned-botanical-artist Brookshaw. View online at NYPL.org
- Pomological Magazine, John Lindley (1828-1830). Lindley, the famous botanist, gardener, orchidologist and editor of The Pomological Magazine. The magazine features vivid, full colour illustrations by C M Curtis (volume 1), and Augusta Innes Withers (volumes 2-3) – who Turpin explained was appointed “Flower Painter in Ordinary” to Queen Adelaide and then Queen Victoria. View online or download via Archive.org
- The Herefordshire Pomona (1876) by Henry Graves Bull and Robert Hogh featuring beautiful illustrations of fruit, blossom and leaves – edited by Bull and Hogg who Turpin explained was the pre-eminent pomologist of the day. Illustrations by Alice Blanche Ellis, Edith Elizabeth Bull (Henry’s daughter) and Frances Stackhouse Acton. View online or download via Archive.org.
The Orchard Project is the only national charity dedicated solely to the creation, restoration and celebration of community orchards. The charity aims to make a serious contribution to a better food system, based on people working together where they live to produce and harvest their own fruit.