Unfortunately, the highly anticipated Great Dixter Spring Fair, scheduled in early April was cancelled due to the adverse weather conditions. Fortunately, they have just announced that the rescheduled plant fair will take place on the weekend of the 20th and 21st of July.
A plant fair for plant lovers near and far, tickets will be on sale at the gate for an entrance fee of £16, which includes garden entry (Friends & Annual Ticket holders: free).
Approximately 30 nurseries will be exhibiting at the Great Dixter Summer Plant Fair, including: Beth Chatto Plants & Gardens; Binny Plants: Cally Gardens; CB Plants of Lower Severalls; Copton Ash; Daisy Roots; Edulis; Hardys Cottage Plants; Hare Spring Valley; Kent Wildflower Seed; King John’s Nursery; The Laurels Nursery; Longacre Plants; Madrona; Moore & Moore; No Name Nursery; Pelham Plants; Phoenix Perennial Plants; Plantbase; Plantsman’s Preference; Potterton; Rapkyns; Rotherview; Special Plants: Wildegoose Nursery and Zophian.
Great Dixter was the family home of gardener and gardening writer Christopher Lloyd – it was the focus of his energy and enthusiasm and fuelled over 40 years of books and articles. Now under the stewardship of the Great Dixter Charitable Trust and Christopher’s friend and head gardener, Fergus Garrett, Great Dixter is an historic house, a garden, a centre of education, and a place of pilgrimage for horticulturists from across the world.