Greenwood Plants wins AIPH International Grower of the Year 2024

UK wholesale nursery, Greenwood Plants has been awarded the title of International Grower of the Year (IGOTY) 2024 by the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH).

Greenwood Plants wins International Grower of the Year 2024
credit: AIPH

The AIPH President Leonardo Capitanio, presented Greenwood Plants the Gold Rose award at the AIPH IGOTY Awards Ceremony at the IPM Essen, in Germany. Founded in 2009 with the support of FloraCulture International, the AIPH IGOTY Awards recognise best practice in horticulture by the top ornamental production nurseries from around the globe, celebrating the expertise and energy they give to horticulture.

Greenwood Plants specialises in growing and supplying plants, shrubs, and trees for commercial landscaping. In November 2023, the nursery announced their 100% peat free production milestone ahead of their set target of the end of 2023. The company has over 100 acres and produces around six million plants a year across its six nursery sites. In 2023, Greenwood Plants was awarded the HTA Peat-free Grower of the Year due to its commitment to sustainability.

“The team will be so delighted to have won this award,” said Melanie Asker, Managing Director of Greenwood Plants. “They’ve been really excited and it’s an absolute credit to their hard work. It’s a great accolade and the support that we’ve had from across the industry in the UK has been amazing, so it’s something everyone can be proud of.”

Greenwood Plants also won the Finished Plants & Trees award, presented by Torben Brinkmann, Head of Projects, IPM Essen, and the Sustainability award, presented by Sarah von Fintel, Key Account Manager for Global G.A.P. and G.N.N. Label.

“Greenwood Plants is an innovative producer of landscape-ready plants and is a recognised leader in what they do. They conduct every action with environmental sustainability in mind and they have been proactive in innovatively marketing their products and the industry as a whole”, explained the IGOTY jury.

IGOTY 2024 award categories and winners:

Young International Grower of the Year

  • Winner: Colin Fernandes (Kenya)
  • Finalist: Tomasz Dźwigoń (Poland)
  • Finalist: Zhuoer Fang (China)

Cut Flowers and Bulbs

  • Winner: Beyond Chrysant (Netherlands)
  • Finalist: Yunnan Yunxiu Flower Co. Ltd. (China)

Young Plants

  • Winner: Sjaak van Schie (Netherlands)
  • Finalist: Guangzhou Flower Research Center (China)
  • Finalist: Yunnan Shining Flora Co., Ltd. (China)

Finished Plants and Trees

  • Winner: Greenwood Plants (UK)
  • Finalist: Huverba BV (Netherlands)
  • Finalist: Kwekerij Dirk Mermans (Belgium)


  • Winner: Greenwood Plants (UK)
  • Finalist: Beyond Chrysant (Netherlands)
  • Finalist: Fitoralia (Spain)
  • Finalist: Kwekerij Dirk Mermans (Belgium)