A keen interest or knowledge of horticulture and gardening is expected of Council members, along with skills required for the governance of the Society that are under-represented among existing trustees. The RHS is looking for applications from candidates with expertise in public engagement, an understanding of best practice in sustainability or who have a senior financial or commercial background.
For future years, the RHS is also interested in hearing from individuals with experience in science and education. Candidates from all geographies of the UK are welcomed, to lead and collaborate in a group and bring a strategic approach with strong problem-solving skills. Successful candidates will need to be able to commit to at least six Council meetings per year and are expected to join at least one board or committee of Council, which additionally meet up to four times per year.
Members of Council are elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and usually serve for five years, with at least three retiring each year. The deadline to stand for election to Council is 1 March 2024. Full details on the RHS website.