The GCA represents more than 200 garden centres nationwide. Through sharing information and its inspection programme the GCA helps members to achieve high standards in customer service, plant quality and reliability.
The successful applicant will join the GCA’s team of inspectors, Alyson Haywood, Colin Farquhar and Phil McCann, and help to ensure consistency and raise standards throughout its membership. Gordon Emslie is retiring from his GCA role, for which they are now recruiting.
By means of their visits to member garden centres, the inspectors score the centres to a given criteria, to be able to provide objective and honest feedback on their findings and help to improve standards across the industry.
GCA Chief Executive, Peter Burks said: “Gordon has been with us for many years as an inspector and has also been instrumental in developing our Rising Stars programme sponsored by Westland Horticulture and mentoring the candidates, which he is continuing with, so we have some very big shoes to fill. We’d like to thank him for all his hard work and dedication over the years and to wish him all the very best in the future.
We’re now keen to hear from anyone who thinks they might be up to the job of replacing Gordon and who would like to work with us and shares our vision and that of our member garden centres. Candidates can be from all areas of the industry and must be passionate about providing the very best in customer service and care, as well as offering top quality advice, and helping garden centres see how they can showcase their plants and products for best impact. The successful candidate will also have an insight into the market and new retailing ideas to help our members develop and face future challenges in a positive way. It is a very interesting and unique role for anyone in the industry.”
Anyone interested in taking on the role of GCA Inspector, should get in touch with Burke via peter@gca.org.uk.