Kent & Stowe new website

Westland Horticulture brand, Kent & Stowe introduce the launch of their new business-to-consumer website.

Kent & Stowe website

The new Kent & Stowe website features improved user-friendly interface to provide their gardening customers with a more engaging and informative online experience. Simple to browse, site visitors can navigate through the various collections of tools, check for local stockists and have the ability to create comparison tables for efficient purchasing. Designed to be mobile responsive, customers can navigate the website at home or on the go.

In addition, the website offers an extensive library of gardening tips, expert advice and seasonal guides. The content is tailored for both beginners and experienced gardeners looking to enhance their skills or find inspiration for their next project.

Designed to be a go-to resource for gardeners, the company says that the new website also provides knowledge and tools needed to boost consumer confidence and increase sales conversions in store. The website aims to inspire consumers to choose tools and accessories and also incorporates a helpful stockist locator so visitors can find the most convenient location to purchase Kent & Stowe tools and accessories.

“We are proud to introduce a platform that not only highlights the quality and design of our tools and accessories, but also serves as an invaluable resource for anyone passionate about gardening. The new website is built to engage, educate and inspire the public, offering everything from expert advice to insights on how to choose the right tools for specific gardening needs,” explained Laura Mallinder, Marketing Manager.