London Tree and Woodland Awards

Celebrating the work of individuals, communities and professionals to protect, improve and expand London’s tree and woodland cover.

London with London eye
Photo by Isaac Struna on Unsplash

The London Tree & Woodland Awards are organised by the Forestry Commission and supported by the Mayor of London to raise the profile of London’s trees and woodlands and their need for active management. The awards showcase the fantastic work taking place all over the city to protect and increase London’s urban forest.

  • Community Woodland Award: Friends of Haringey’s Ancient Woodland
  • Community Tree Award: The Friends of Margravine Cemetery
  • Acorn Award: Judith Adams, Epping Forest Heritage Trust
  • Trees for Nature and Climate Award: Lewisham SuDs for Schools, Trees for Cities and Lewisham Council
  • Tree & Woodland Planting Award: Language of Nature, Trees for Cities
  • Trees and Business Award: Spider Park, The NatWest Forest with The Conservation Volunteers 
  • The LTOA Individual Commitment Award: Dr Helen Read
  • The Tree Council Trees and Learning Award: St Catherine’s Catholic School
  • London Young Tree Champion Award: Amelia Simms
  • London Urban Forest Award: Ancient Woodland Inventory Update, Greenspace Information for Greater London CIC

The awards were hosted by garden designer, Manoj Malde who said: “These awards are about the unsung heroes, the ordinary people who do extraordinary things. I was so pleased to see them being recognised”.