The garden, landscape and travel writer, and Head Gardener at the Garden Museum in London, Matt Collins is writing a monthly column for the British clothing brand’s magazine. A weekly publication, TOAST magazine publishes articles on books, artists, seasonal recipes, travel and stories about their makers and materials.
Matt Collins is head gardener at the Garden Museum and a freelance garden and travel writer for publications including The Guardian, Spectator, Hortus and Gardens Illustrated. An author, he was shortlisted for an Edward Stanford Travel Writing Award for his book, ‘Forest: Walking Among Trees’ (Pavilion) which traces an intercontinental pathway between British trees and their wild-wooded counterparts.
A regular gardening touchpoint for TOAST, Collins’ new sixth month column ‘Tales From the Garden’ aims to observe the small surprises and the changes that occur in the garden from winter to summer – too often missed when distracted by broader gardening tasks.

Documented with beautiful photographs by Collins of the ever-changing landscape of his Hampshire garden, his new column runs until June.