Fordham’s Passivhaus home is a demonstration as to what can be achieved with collaboration, innovation and solution-focused design. Set in an urban infill site, previously Max Fordham’s own garden, the project shows what is achievable as a technical concept for the housing sector. In 2022 it became the first home in the UK to achieve net zero carbon, in line with the UKGBC’s Framework for both construction and operational energy related emissions.
People, and the things they do, generate heat all the time, enough to keep warm inside a home. Achieving this means designing a building that is sustainable. This was the first premise of the design of the house. The building’s thermal envelope, its ventilation system and its windows are designed so that the heat loss is no more than the heat generated by people living in the house, even on a freezing winter’s day.
The high-performance thermal envelope completely wraps the building’s structure, eliminating thermal bridges. The envelope is also airtight, eliminating uncontrolled air exchange. The ventilation provision needed to provide healthy environments is then controlled and minimised mechanically, with heat recovery efficiency in excess of 90%.
The garden consisting of a courtyard garden and planted terraces, set around the house, designed for privacy, created from natural materials and consist of well-established greenery. A rockery at the foot of a retained mature tree provides the main view out of the living space and evokes the qualities of a small Japanese garden.
Magic Gardens and Landscapes have secured the ongoing maintenance contract of the pioneering Max Fordham House. Dedicated to preserving the innovative spirit of the Max Fordham House, the landscaping team of Magic Gardens and Landscapers will be using their eco-friendly expertise to ensure the garden continues to reflect the pioneering sustainability principles of its namesake. Their role includes not only maintaining the aesthetic appeal of the space but also contributing to the estate’s overall ecological balance, reinforcing the project’s commitment to net zero carbon living.