New public herb garden in Wales

A new public garden is being created at Treborth Botanic Garden at Bangor University in Wales.

Treborth Botanic Garden at Bangor University

The Welsh Herbal Garden will celebrate the heritage and folklore surrounding medicinal plants used in Wales through the ages. The garden will form a central part of the 44-acre Botanic Garden, which is owned by Bangor University, and is one of only seven accredited Botanic Gardens in the country.

Designed by Nicola Oakey, the garden is due to be completed spring 2024. ‘It has been a fantastic opportunity to work with Treborth Botanic Garden to design the Welsh Herbal Garden. While some of the remedies from the 12th century sound unpleasant. For example, drinking a concoction of goat’s whey and elderflower for nine weeks to treat a fever. The amount of knowledge and understanding of plants that people had is fascinating. Many of the prescriptions the Physicians used can be traced back to the 10th century, but they were the first people in Wales to collect this information and put it in writing‘, explains Nicola.