New water reservoir at Wyevale Nursery production site

In aid of capturing, storing, recycling more water, protecting the environment and reducing flooding around its Hereford site, Wyevale Nursery is midst the construction of a water reservoir at the production site.

Wyevale Nurseries constructing water reservoir

The commercial nursery is constructing the water conservation system at its container tree production division to help boost annual water management targets as part of ongoing sustainability plans. Wyevale Nurseries supply garden centres, landscape contractors, local authorities, foresters and landowners with trees, shrubs, hedging, herbaceous and specimen plants.

Tim Fawbert, Group Finance Director at Wyevale Nurseries, says: “We’re continuing to work diligently on our environmental and sustainability goals this year. As part of our overall objectives to reduce abstraction from boreholes and mains, to recycle water and reduce flooding for both the nursery as a whole, and for the local environment, the teams at our container tree production site are currently in the process of constructing a new reservoir and holding pond on our site on Kings Acre Road.

“If the experience gained from the construction of the reservoir at the main nursery in 2022 is anything to go by, the reservoir is expected to attract new species of wildlife to the area, as well as helping to alleviate flooding risk and recycle water.

“Ponds and reservoirs provide a vital habitat for both aquatic and non-aquatic wildlife. Additionally, ponds with good water quality can help to mitigate against climate change by sequestering carbon. Ponds help to retain water on the nursery too, which has benefits as a water source for pollinators, irrigation and for natural flood management.

“They also help to soak up heavy rainfall and ameliorate water flows to help protect against flooding, as well as store and release water slowly in drier times to protect against the impacts of drought.”

According to Wyevale Nurseries, they will be planting an additional new mixed native hedge with hedgerow trees to deliver an additional landscape feature and a net gain in hedgerow habitat on site. The use of species rich lowland meadow planting and aquatic marginal species, along with the sowing of grass seed for wildflower meadows and planting aquatic marginals, will also deliver a net gain for general habitat on the site.

For wildlife, there are plans for the installation of bat boxes, bird nesting boxes, insect blocks, hedgehog nesting box and at least three hibernacula, to provide a safe space for amphibians and reptiles to hibernate over winter.

“As part of our annual ISO 14001 environmental accreditation, we have regular targets for recycling water. Last year to end of June we have recycled 28% of our water used in our main container shrub and herbaceous production and are building this new reservoir to help boost this in our container tree production. In order to recycle more water, we need this new reservoir,” added Fawbert.