Kathleen Murray Tasmania Ugliest Lawn competition winner

Worth a read

The world’s ugliest lawn

Tasmanian garden wins prize for world’s ugliest lawn highlighting how people can save water, help animals and free themselves from lawn-mowing

Sue Ryder Grief Kind Garden for RHS Chelsea 2024

RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2024

Sue Ryder Grief Kind Garden

Designed as a safe and peaceful sanctuary, the Sue Ryder Grief Garden offers a place sit within nature to share experiences of grief and quiet reflection.

The Panathlon Joy Garden RHS Chelsea 2024

RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2024

The Panathlon Joy Garden

Designed to celebrate joy and difference, this RHS Chelsea garden provides colour, curves and a harmonious, balanced space.

Trees seen from the ground up


Channel 5: Secret Life of Trees

Channel 5 has commissioned a new three-part series charting ‘The Secret Life of Trees’, to be filmed over the course of a year, throughout the UK and Europe.

Monarch Butterfly migration sign

On Instagram

Safe migration journey

Courtesy of @lostfoundartny a highway road sign in Canada wishing monarch butterflies a safe migration south for the winter.

Kings Park Nursery Bournemouth


Kings Park Nursery closed permanently

The council run plant nursery at Kings Park, Bournemouth has permanently closed in an attempt to plug critical funding gaps.

The Size of Wales Garden RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2024

RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2024

The Size of Wales Garden

An RHS Chelsea garden inspired by the abundance and diversity of tropical forests, and the works of Size of Wales to prevent the tragedy of their destruction.



Flowers are evolving to self-pollinate

Findings published in the New Phytologist show that scientists have discovered that flowering plants growing are increasingly depending less on insect pollinators.

Borde Hill Gardens


Borde Hill: Finance Manager

The estate management of the historic Sussex garden set around the famous Elizabethan Manor House are seeking a Finance Manager.

Gunnera ban in the UK


OATA urges retailers to stop selling Gunnera

Retailers are advised to cease stocking and selling Gunnera due to the likelihood that the plant is result of a crossing with the banned Gunnera tinctoria.


Worth a listen

Houseplants on Hort-Talk

Comprehensive podcast about the houseplant market, customer base, drivers & benefits, featuring Jonathan Miller from Hortihouse, Alex and Mike Opperman from Opperman Plants, and Dr. Tijana Blanusa from RHS & Reading University.

RHS Chelsea Flower Show Garden 2024 the Pulp Friction Growing Skills Garden

RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2024

The Pulp Friction – Growing Skills Garden

Designed by Will Dutch & Tin-Tin Azure-Marxen the Growing Skills garden for the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2024 celebrates the Pulp Friction community, demonstrating the power of inclusivity through gardening.

Shipping containers on freighter ship


Red Sea attacks: Shipping delays & rising costs warning

Since November vessels in the Red Sea have been targeted by Yemen Houthis, forcing shipping companies to detour around Africa’s Cape of Good Hope instead of using the Suez Canal, incurring longer journeys and higher costs.

Planet Good Earth Garden RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2024

RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2024

Planet Good Earth Garden

A skateable garden designed by skatepark design and build specialists Betongpark and edible garden specialists Urban Organi, supporting physical activity, positive relationships in a natural setting.