In an intriguing article by Lucy Holden in the Sunday Times, the lack of collective nouns for trees is brought to light. Baboons have troops, goldfinches a charm, dogs a pack, owls a parliament, but what about trees?
Holden explains that a publishing war for Ewan Fenelon‘s debut book of collective nouns for trees is brimming, with literary agents vying for what is expected to be a nature book market “sensation”.
The cunning ecologist, rightly spotted a market opportunity and has started work earlier this year, inventing colourful collective nouns for trees. Originally from Birmingham, Fenelon studied conservation biology and ecology at the University of Exeter, and is currently working as a ranger in the Aigas Field Centre in Scotland.
According to Holden, we can expect gems such as; ‘Vanguard of birch’ as they have the ability to quickly colonise new areas; a ‘Remedy of rowan’ as the berries have the five-pointed star – an ancient symbol of protection; a ‘Vengeance of holly’ on account of its barbed, protective strategy; a ‘Mausoleum of yew’ as they are frequently seen in graveyards; and a ‘Hangover of juniper” as they produces berries used to make gin.
With the ever marked increase in our need to reconnect with nature – reflected in the associated uplift in nature related book sales across UK bookshops, Fenelon’s intriguing debut book is not only highly anticipated but expected to be a definitive market winner.