RHS Malvern Spring Festival: Grow to Show applications open

For those keen to participate in the Grow to Show competition to showcase the finest flowers, bulbs, alpines, vegetables, pot plants and photography, applications are now open.

Tomato 'Shimmer Hybrid'

There are over 100 competitive classes and the entries are judged by experts in their specific fields, including judges from the National Plant Societies. Winning exhibitors will be awarded prestigious trophies such as Best in Show. Visitors can view the entries which are exhibited in the Grow to Show area in Avon Hall.

Entries close on Thursday the 1st of May. To find out more about competing, visit the RHS Malvern Spring Festival for all the details.

The RHS Malvern Spring Festival is four-day seasonal showcase of pioneering gardening trends, show gardens, talks and plant exhibits.

The Festival is held at the Three Counties Showground in Malvern from the 9th of May until the 12th of May and for 2024, the focus is on the theme: ‘Gardening for Change’.