Following Sarah Raven’s ‘Grow, Cook, Eat, Arrange podcast and previous cook-along specials, the new mini-series, Be your own florist will take listeners on a five-part journey into the art of home floristry.
The series episodes:
- Conditioning cut flowers for ultimate vase life
- Flower razzmatazz in easy talk-over-table flowers – Using a shallow bowl for arrangements
- Creating a tableful of flowers – Arranging sweet peas
- Home-grown, garden flowers – the best present you can give?
- Arranging at scale – Arranging dahlias
Raven will include all the tips she has amassed over 30 years, covering how to condition cut flowers for the best results, advice on using different techniques, and the art of creating various flower arrangements.
The new podcast is available now on all major streaming platforms, including YouTube with accompanying video tutorials.