Seoint Nurseries embraces peat-free production

After years of trials, Seoint Nurseries Ltd. in Wales becomes one first commercial growers to embraced peat-free.

Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety'

Already growing their P9’s peat free for the last 14 years, Seoint Nurseries will extend the peat free process to their plug products. As explained by the Managing Director, Neil Alcock, with peat due to be banned for commercial growers by 2030, the move is expected to provide a distinct market advantage. Post Brexit, European exports decreased for Seoint but the new peat-free plug ranges have encouraged new orders from the Netherlands, France, and Italy.

The new peat free plugs will come available from mid February onwards and include: Euonymus, Salvia, Coprosma, Hebe and Escallonia. Alcock confirmed that their current use of peat is currently 3% and that they are working to be peat free by 2025. It has taken the company two years, from early trials with many losses to perfect their peat free processes for 2024.

Seiont Nurseries was established in 1978 and is a well known plug and liner producer with an annual production of 850,000 liners and 400,000 plugs. They distribute their products throughout the UK and Europe.