The Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) accepted to the UK Domestic Advisory Group

The Horticultural Trades Association has been accepted to the UK Domestic Advisory Group as part of the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA).

Big Ben

The Domestic Advisory Group (DAG) is a consultative body which enables the government to hear from those most affected by the operation of the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement. The DAG member organisations discuss progress made in implementing the UK-EU Trade Agreement and submit their views to the government. They also discuss implementation issues with the EU DAG in the preparations of the TCA Civil Society Forum (CSF). The CSF brings together UK and EU stakeholders to jointly advise both parties on the implementation of the Agreement.

The Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) has been accepted to the DAG and will now join the meetings which take place twice a year, on rotation between the four nations of the United Kingdom. Jennifer Pheasey, Director of Policy and Public Affairs at the HTA, said:

“We welcome the HTA’s appointment to the DAG group, an important consultative forum to advise on key challenges and opportunities for UK-EU trade. Our participation is a recognition of the HTA’s unique expertise and insights on the detail and complexity of moving plants and sector products across the UK-EU border, and the fact that the industry has been significantly impacted. Given current challenges and the upcoming TCA review, this appointment is timely, and we look forward to constructively engaging as an active DAG member.”

The DAG is Chaired by Sean McGuire, Confederation of British Industry (CBI) with Steve Turner, Unite the Union and Irene Oldfather, Scottish Council of Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) supporting as Vice Chairs.