In last weekend’s FT, Fiona Golfar introduced readers to the flamboyant flower farming newcomer, Alfie Nickerson. Located on his family’s land in Norfolk, the four-year old, three-acre biodynamic flower farm, Burnt Fen Flowers offers a wide variety cut-flowers throughout their April to November season. Notable clients include Petersham Nurseries in London, and florist Julia Campbell-Gillies.
“In the early days, he would fill his car with buckets of flowers and drive to London once a week, selling them to friends and family. But as more people have started to look for natural, consciously sourced flowers that are perhaps a little “perfectly imperfect” (as they have in the world of food), the business has grown”, writes Golfar.
Nickerson, who previously worked in London as a gardener, crafted his floral and biodynamic skills when he volunteered for Jane Scotter at her sixteen-acre farm Fern Verrow in Herefordshire.
The bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, roll-up-ciggy smoking, dachshund owning, ex-model flower farmer, born into a stylish family (Jayne Pickering is his mother) with his “perfectly-imperfect”, biodynamic flower crop, has all the makings of becoming the new poster boy to take the flower farming industry by storm. Watch this space.