The Sunnyside Orchard Project 2024

Horticultural therapy, quality perennial plant growing, training & education, sustainable social enterprise and community hub at Serge Hill.

The Sunnyside Orchard Project 2024

The Trust was founded in 1990 as a small, horticultural project for young people and adults with learning disabilities. It is now a thriving charity and social enterprise, offering training and work experience for over 150 vulnerable people in the local community.

Serge Hill in Hertfordshire is owned by Tom & Sue Stuart-Smith whom have given Sunnyside access to the new Plant library on site, to propagate and collect seeds. The project will offer an innovative, dynamic service for some of the community’s most vulnerable people. Perennial plants will be grown on site for commercial sale while supporting & training vulnerable young people & adults with learning disabilities in horticulture.

While the therapeutic benefits of horticulture are clear & cut, the combination of this with a strong social enterprise model will ensure it is sustainable for the long term. This project will provide a space to heal & the opportunity to develop & gain paid employment. Only 5.1% of people with learning disabilities in the UK, are in paid work compared to 84% of their peers. The Trust are actively seeking to positively change this.

Sunnyside are currently looking for project funding, see full details.