The Wonderstruck Garden

A garden designed to create a hallowed and enchanting space, weathered by the grandeur of time.

The Wonderstruck Garden RHS Chelsea 2024

Sponsored by Wonderstruck, the garden is designed by Holly Johnston. Johnston studied Garden Design at the English Gardening School and is passionate about sustainable design. Her conceptual approach is often inspired by the rolling landscapes of her homeland in New Zealand.

The garden evokes a timeless, contemplative site nestled within ancient English woodlands. Themes of interconnection, discovery and wonder have driven the design, anchored geometrically through the presence of celestial elements – the drystone ‘moongate’, acts as a portal to what’s within the garden. It visually frames a glowing sculptural sun sitting at the centre of the garden, floating upon the circular water feature. This is surrounded by a tree folly, which is intended to represent a ring of stars. Finally, the notion of discovery is echoed with hidden inscriptions and etchings throughout the garden.

The planting, textural and woodland-inspired, celebrates the ecology of ancient British woodlands. The palette is muted, highlighting primarily greens and whites, with pops of blues and purples at the back to represent a night sky. Focus has been given to creating habitats for wildlife, from within crevices of the drystone, to the inter-planted and accessible pond.