What Makes A Garden podcast series

New series featuring landscape gardener and writer Jinny Blom with guests including Skye Gyngell, Brian Eno, Tim Walker and Maria Balshaw.

Throughout the series, Blom looks to uncover what inspires guests to working with plants, what connects them to the land, and the complex constellation of ideas, experiences, thoughts and senses that make a garden. Dropping every Monday for the next six weeks

The first episode “The Smell of Soil”, the pioneering chef @skyegyngell of Spring London joins Jinny to talk about the relationship between gardening and food. Blom met the celebrated chef when invited to design the private dining room of the restaurant. Looking back over their continued friendship, they share thoughts on their approach to gardening and food, love of soil, restoring the balance of nature and challenges in their respective professions, eating ‘positive garden sequesters’ and ‘pests’ as a form of natural control, the joys of being old enough to really enjoy life, and more…