A handbook for all seasons, Greener Gardening: Vegetables aids budding and experienced gardeners alike in their journey towards a greener way of gardening. Based on her vast experience, Sally Nex provides readers with a guide to building their own vegetable gardens on sustainable, eco-friendly foundations to grow their own fresh, organic food.
Commenting on her new book in her ‘Greenery’ newsletter, gardener and author Sally Nex writes “It’s all the experience I’ve painstakingly collected over more than 30 years of growing my own veg: and most recently, using sustainable techniques from sowing into paper pots, to using peat-free compost, to saving my own seed”
The book covers:
- Setting up a new vegetable garden so it works hard for you and the environment
- A wide ranging directory of vegetables organized by harvesting season
- Methods for sowing and growing, plus advice on troubleshooting and saving seed
- ‘Tasks to do’ reminders for keeping on top of garden maintenance each season
- ‘Do It Greener’ reminders of quick and easy way to get greener results
“I’m really proud of it. There are lots of little details which you won’t find in other veg growing books: every ‘how to grow’ page has details of how to save the seeds as standard, for example, since I think seed-saving should be as much of a routine part of growing your own veg as pricking out, or putting up beanpoles, or harvesting. There are plans for building your own greenhouse and recipes for making your own potting mix; tips for keeping your harvest constant right through the year, and recommendations for which veg varieties to choose if you garden in containers. Plus step-by-step, easy-to-use instructions for growing dozens of different kinds of veg – and all sustainably, with a light touch, to leave no trace”, explains Nex.
Sally Nex is a gardener and writer whose work promoting sustainable techniques has appeared in leading national publications including Gardener’s World, the Guardian, Grow Your Own and the RHS’s The Garden. She travels the country presenting talks on a range of subjects and is a prominent voice in the movement for Gardening Without Plastic. Her passionate for sustainable gardening has earned her the Garden Media Guild Beth Chatto Environmental Award in 2019. Her most recent books include RHS How to Garden the Low-Carbon Way, and RHS Can I Grow Potatoes In Pots?
RHS Greener Gardening: Vegetables: The sustainable guide to growing planet-friendly crops (Mitchell Beazley) will be released on the 11th of April, 2024.