A handbook for farmers, growers and gardeners, Silvohorticulture is the first book to offer a detailed, practical guide on how to integrate trees with vegetable growing.
Expert growers Ben Raskin and Andy Dibben bring together their decades-long experiences in commercial crop production alongside designing and managing agroforestry systems in their new book. They explore the incredible benefits of trees for edible crops and the potential for additional crops from trees, plus crucial new information on how to fit trees into complex crop rotations and manipulate access to light. Raskin and Dibben also reveal the latest research on how tree roots behave and, importantly, how that impacts crops.
Agroforestry can bring immense benefits to farmers and growers, not just optimising yield, but also improving soil, managing pests and water, increasing biodiversity and reducing costs. System design must be customised to each grower’s requirements, and Silvohorticulture offers step-by-step detail to manage trees and crops successfully.
‘Every now and then a book comes along that adds a whole new dimension to a subject that you thought you understood.’ John Cherry, cofounder of the Groundswell Regenerative Agriculture Festival
Silvohorticulture: A Grower’s Guide to Integrating Trees Into Crops (Chelsea Green Publishing UK) will be released on the 16th of January 2025