BSL Tour: The Wisley Glasshouse

John Wilson will lead the next British Sign Language (BSL) tour of the RHS Wisley Glasshouse, including the Orchid House, three climatic zones and Houseplant Takeover display.

The glasshouse at RHS Wisley
credit: RHS Wisley

Taking place on the 16th of February, Wilson will take the attendees through the new Orchid House, home to Wisley’s collection of more than 3,000 orchids, some of which have not been seen as a collection before. The Tour will go through the three climatic zones of the Glasshouse, discovering the variety of plants, including many difficult-to-grow, rare and endangered species.

Led by BSL tour guides, the tour is designed exclusively for visitors who are deaf or who use BSL. These tours offer seasonal walks and an overview of the heritage and history of RHS Garden Wisley.

The tour and booking details can be found here.