Slugs: Citizen engagement and identification accuracy
New research study shows how effective citizen scientists are in accurately identifying species and gathering reliable ecological data.
New research study shows how effective citizen scientists are in accurately identifying species and gathering reliable ecological data.
Experts believe blackbird numbers in Greater London and southern England have plummeted on account of the Usutu virus, first detected in UK in 2020
Wakehurst is using citizen science to help discover the trees most favoured by pollinators and how to make cities more pollinator-friendly.
Research in small urban gardens in the Netherlands found that insects were just as abundant in gardens planted with exotic plants as in those filled with native plants
The Knepp estate now hosts the UK’s largest population of the magnificent, elusive Purple Emperor butterfly.
A floating ecosystem by Biomatrix Water has been installed at RHS Wisley to aid habitat creation, waterscaping, water quality and waste management
The Big Butterfly Count 2024 reopens on the 1st July ready for the main event, which runs between 12th July and 4th August.
Over 300 organisations will be attending the Restore Nature Now march, which takes place in Central London from 12 noon until 1pm on Saturday the 22nd of June.
In the aid of the endangered High Brown Fritillary, Longhorns and Mangalista pigs will be creating potential breeding habitat by ‘mowing’ through Exmoor.
Global asset management firm Invesco provides an update on the progress made with their climate mitigation strategies at their EMEA head office in Henley on Thames.
Good stuff
A rather grand new home for local pollinators of the National Trust’s Erddig hall…
The UK’s largest people and nature survey run by the Wildlife Trusts seeks to understand how public opinion on surrounding nature is changing over time.
The latest Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) revealed healthy Red Kite and Nuthatch populations, but also severe declines for birds such as Swift, Turtle Dove and Curlew.
When it comes to supplementary feeding and the use of bird feeders, what exactly are we doing?
To mark the upcoming Hedgehog Awareness Week (5th – 11th May), thedirt.news sheds light on the various conservation campaigns and initiatives working to halt their decline.
Regardless of the size of the flock, Defra has announced compulsory registration requirements for all bird keepers to combat avian influenza outbreaks.
The Bugs Matter Survey report reveals that the abundance of flying insects sampled on vehicle number plates has fallen by a staggering 78% since 2004.
Similar to our equivalent Big Butterfly Count, the people of the Netherlands are counting bees to help assess the health and prevalence of wild bee populations in the country.
Despite their maligned reputation, bats carry out important work and contribute to the health of our ecosystem.
Research conducted in Wytham Woods near Oxford suggests that great tits (Parus major) have been able to manage the effects of climate change.