Biomatrix Water's floating ecosystems


RHS Wisley installs floating ecosystems

A floating ecosystem by Biomatrix Water has been installed at RHS Wisley to aid habitat creation, waterscaping, water quality and waste management

Hare in field


Restore Nature Now march

Over 300 organisations will be attending the Restore Nature Now march, which takes place in Central London from 12 noon until 1pm on Saturday the 22nd of June.

bee on cosmos flower


Corporate biodiversity in Henley

Global asset management firm Invesco provides an update on the progress made with their climate mitigation strategies at their EMEA head office in Henley on Thames.

Chickens roaming in grass


New compulsory bird registration rules

Regardless of the size of the flock, Defra has announced compulsory registration requirements for all bird keepers to combat avian influenza outbreaks.

Bumblebee on wisteria


Dutch National Bee Count

Similar to our equivalent Big Butterfly Count, the people of the Netherlands are counting bees to help assess the health and prevalence of wild bee populations in the country.

Common blue butterfly


UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme: 2023 results

Results from the 2023 annual UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS) reveal a ‘mixed picture’ for butterflies, with some species thriving whilst others continued their concerning declines.

Domestic cat


Impact domestic cats on wildlife

U.S. researchers draw up comprehensive list of what domestic cat prey, identifying more than 2000 species, including endangered ones

Blue tit bird


Peckish Wildbird habitat seed

New campaign by wild bird food brand, Peckish to inspire the public to make gardens a haven for birds by growing them a home.