Worth a read
Golf courses can help boost bees and butterflies
Golf courses across Sussex are trialling a rewilding initiative to help protect rare chalk grassland and encourage the growth of wildflowers.
Worth a read
Golf courses across Sussex are trialling a rewilding initiative to help protect rare chalk grassland and encourage the growth of wildflowers.
Worth a read
Intriguing story in the Guardian about the exotic fig trees that thrive in and around the waterways of Sheffield, which originated from the residents’ love of fig biscuits.
Worth a read
In this month’s The Garden magazine, James Armitage tells the fascinating story of how the botanical wonder that is Gunnera, became illegal to buy, move and cultivate.
Worth a read
With his debut book, Ewan Fenelon, a 22-year old ecologist invents colourful collective nouns for trees, which he hopes will become part our everyday vernacular
Worth a read
Intriguing article by RHS entomologist Dr Hayley Jones, shedding light on the little-known benefits slugs to (garden) ecosystems.
Just as the rest of the economy, garden centres are facing challenges but now is a good time to reflect on the business to tune into market opportunities.
Natural Capital
Intriguing research about how herbivore browsing pressure affects trees’ long term carbon storage potential.
Worth a read
As of the 12th of February, Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) will mandate the assessment of habitats on development land and require this habitat to be enhanced by a minimum of 10%.
Worth a read
Tasmanian garden wins prize for world’s ugliest lawn highlighting how people can save water, help animals and free themselves from lawn-mowing
Worth a read
Garden designer Ann-Marie Powell shares her views on the trends we can expect in gardens and garden design in 2024.
Worth a read
The ecologist shares his views on the conservation of irreplaceable, uniquely biodiverse living monuments for their vital genetics in the next generation of ancient trees.
Worth a read
The Managing Director of Nicholsons, Liz Nicholson on what to look for in a garden when buying a home.
Worth a read
Lucanus cervus, famous for its impressive jaws is a globally threatened species and numbers in Britain are in decline.
Worth a read
Researchers discover the majestic plant seen in the UK is not a benign species, rather an invasive hybrid Gunnera × cryptica listed as a ‘species of union concern’ in the UK and EU.
Worth a read
Rural landscapes deserve much more consideration and respect than currently granted.
Worth a read
Uncovered documents in the Kew archives reveal that Sir William Hooker stipulated the collection must stay within the gardens.
A new report by Buglife has found that half of the UK’s most special species are at risk of global extinction.
Worth a read
Ursula Buchan’s best books include works by authors Jinny Blom, Francis Pryor, Jenny Joseph, Henrik Sjöman & Arit Anderson and Maury C. Flannery.
Worth a read
Capturing the glory that is autumn is admirable, yet when armed with phones, torrents of leaf-peeping “influencers” can ruin the seasonal spectacle.
Worth a read
Compelling interview with Alan Titchmarsh on the modern social-media-driven world.