Meadow buttercup flowers

Worth a read

Wilding or Rewilding?

For Gardenista, Kendra Wilson discusses the topic du jour in gardening and landscaping circles.

Plants at a nursery


Horticulture matters

Horticultural Trades Association Chief Executive, Fran Barnes, calls on politicians for supportive measures for the sector that will deliver net-zero.

Greenfingers silver anniversary banner
Hare in a field

Worth a read

UK wildlife continues to decline

Not unlike other countries, we have experienced significant loss of biodiversity but the UK is now classified as one of the world’s most nature-depleted countries.



Positive signs ‘Stage 0’ river project at Holnicote

Pioneering project, inspired by similar scheme in Oregon in the US, liberated a stretch of the river River Aller allowing the water to branch out, creating smaller streams, more pools and boggy areas.

The Plant Library at Serge Hill by Tom & Sue Stuart Smith


The Serge Hill Project

Impressive new educational resource centre, with extensive Plant Library to teach schools, charities and voluntary groups about gardening, creativity and health.

Oak leaf

Worth a read

UK faces tree shortage

In her column Digging Deeper, Sally Nex warns gardeners of years of tree shortages due to soaring demand.

Worth a read

Cement free industry?

The cement industry produces 8% of the world’s CO2 pollution, an alarming 4 billion tonnes every single year.

Design concept for the future of petrol stations and turn them into urban green farms


Drive through urban farms

Innovative entry Dutch Streetlife Design Competition 2023, an experimental proposal to resolve the issue of defunct petrol stations after the electric transition in 2035.

Worth a read

Front garden exodus

“It’s such a shame”, writes John Sturgis in the Spectator. Ripping out front gardens to accommodate cars is not only aesthetically despicable, but an environmental and wildlife disaster.

Canada Water Dockside development


Green light for Andy Sturgeon at Canada Water

The new masterplan scheme South-east London brings the capital a workspace hub with new places to eat, drink and relax at the Dock’s water’s edge, surrounded by 130 acres of open green space.

Field with barley crops


UK falling behind EU pesticide standards

The UK has failed to ban 36 pesticides that are not allowed for use in the EU, despite government promises to maintain standards after Brexit


Worth a read

Flowering plants stronger than dinosaurs

Researchers have found that flowering plants escaped unscathed from the mass extinction that killed the dinosaurs 66 million years ago.

Swift Brick


Lords debating Swift brick

The House of Lords will debate an amendment to make swift bricks mandatory in new housing across England to halt their decline.

Weeds growing through pavement


Rewilding: eco friendly or frugal laziness?

Rewilding has gripped the nation, ‘but the trend for leaving nature to its own devices in order to create a habitat for plants and animals to thrive has become divisive’ writes Boudicca Fox-Leonard.