New date for the GIMA Awards

The Garden Industry Manufacturer’s Association (GIMA) representing garden manufacturers and suppliers has confirmed November the 7th 2024 for its annual awards ceremony.

Celtic Manor Resort

This new winter scheduling reflects the changes occurring within both the gardening season and the exhibition calendar. With many brands choosing to debut new products later in the season, the new November date is a celebratory end to what is hoped to be another thriving year for garden retail. The event will take place at the Celtic Manor Resort in Newport, South Wales.

Commenting on the new timing of the 2024 GIMA Awards, GIMA Director, Vicky Nuttall said: “The timing of the GIMA Awards Gala Dinner has been knocked back by a fortnight from the previously published date to reflect the recent changes announced by Glee. We feel that our new November date is also the perfect time to herald the close of the season and celebrate our members’ success, and I am sure our attendees will support this move ahead of this year’s edition of the GIMA Awards.”

Entry to the GIMA Awards 2024 will open in March, with brands afforded nine weeks to complete their entry, with the end of May marking the closing date.