Japanese knotweed


Invasive Alien Species major threat states IPBES

From the estimated 37,000 introduced alien species to regions and biomes around the world, 3,500 pose major global threats to nature, economy, food security and human health.

Gingko tree


Hiroshima atomic bomb seeds planted

Ginkgo seeds from trees that survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima will be planted at Oxford Botanic Garden as symbols of peace.

Downing Street


Update Border Target Operating Model

The Border Target Operating Model (BTOM) sets out a model for the import of Sanitary and Phytosanitary goods, which includes plants and plant products.

Oak tree


Urban trees focus of competition

The Tree of the Year competition organised by the Woodland Trust, shines a spotlight on ancient trees in urban locations.

Apple on apple tree


An apple a day…

If ever there was another reason to plant more apple trees, research now shows just one apple a day will will lower the odds of developing frailty in our 60s.